Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Thanks Comcast, but I don't really want my TV in front of a window!

This is not really a "before and after" project because it looks exactly the same as it did, but it's better now!

You would think that moving cable is a pretty tough process. It's not that bad! Time consuming, and of course, very messy, but not bad. We had to rip off the baseboards from the walls. This was very tricky in places, because the wood stain was applied to the floor and baseboards at the same time. But after some good old muscle was put into it, everything went pretty smoothly. I do have to admit, that I had to ask for man hands a couple of times. Thank goodness Jeff and Kevin were there for that. Because I like my girlie hands. They are just not very useful when trying to pry things off the wall! After sawing about 2 inches off of the bottom of our wall we found out that we have no insulation, and the gap in the wall goes past the floor. Tall wall is tall! The worst part of the project was getting a blister on my pinkie from cutting so much drywall with a blade. I am definitely pretty handy with some things, but I will not count cutting drywall as one of them. If you are wondering, it is not hard to cut through, just annoying. The best part of the project... the nail gun. I need one of those STAT!

This is our den. We needed to move the cable from the pink circle to the blue circle.

Kevin and Jeff working hard at ripping stuff off my walls.

I learned that the tool I am using in this picture is called a PRY Bar. I thought Jeff was calling it a "Cry Bar" the whole time. I assumed it had hurt his feelings or something. But, either way, it was very useful. You just shouldn't make my husband cry. That is not nice!
YUCK! Glad we didn't leave it like this for very long.
Hey, that's me too. I am measuring and cutting drywall.
My best friend, Mr. Nail Gun!!!!!

Now, it looks like it did before. But, our cable is on the correct side of the room. Yay!

Pip Pip

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